The Burj Khalifa Of Dubai
The most significant chapter in the Dubai story is the Burj. After writing on Dubai for so long I find a compulsion of saying a few words about this landmark. The few words are quite lengthy considering the subject is the tallest structure. This perhaps is the only claim that others will not be able to refute. The tallest man made structure of the world. Other claims about the largest Mall or the longest this or biggest that is subject which are regularly discussed and debated at the cocktail parties. But this one is a definitive statement and above everyone’s doubt! This was also a happy moment for thousands of professionals and skilled workers from around the world worked on this once-in-a-lifetime project. Unfortunately most of them were not present in Dubai at this time of ceremonial inauguration.

January 4, 2010 is the date that will make the residents of the emirate of Dubai proud for generations to come. The world's tallest tower, developed by Emaar Properties, was unveiled to a crowd of thousands on ground and millions around the world in a crescendo of fireworks, lasers and fountain displays that lit up the Dubai nightscape.

A secret that was so closely guarded for so many years was flashed onto a giant screen before an estimated crowd of about 400,000.

The Burj Dubai was unveiled as 'Burj Khalifa' named after the ruler of Abu Dhabi, who had just proved recently that a “friend in need is a friend indeed”. The official height of the tower was announced as 828 meters (2,716.5 ft).